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Join date: Aug 20, 2023


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Anne Riley-Katz is a journalist, business editor and writer, and a specialist in retail and financial fields.

She has also performed consulting for a variety of brands, real estate investment trusts, and retail groups.

Prior to joining Falling Girl Design, she was an editor for Conde Nast in Los Angeles, and held reporting and editing positions for outlets including Gannett, Tribune, and News Corp.

A lifelong contrarian, storyteller, and steadfast fan of informed humor, she is dedicated to the craft of verbal warfare and is on a long-term quest for knowledge.

Riley-Katz is a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley, attended business school in Argentina for her MBA, has lived in South America, Spain and Germany, and is a native of Washington, D.C.

In her free time, she enjoys traveling, Shark Week, trivia, being up to no good, and speaking any of the multiple languages presently at her disposal.


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